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tmntpinball| SuperMap Software (300036.SZ): Achieve a net profit of 152 million yuan in 2023 and plan to allocate 1 yuan for 10 shares

Gelonghui April 14 丨 Supermap Software (300036)(300036tmntpinball.SZ) AnnouncementtmntpinballIn 2023, it will achieve operating income...

onlinepokermachines| Pazhou Port has celebrated its first anniversary, with more than 117,000 inbound and outbound passengers

News Summary...




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  经观汽车 文 | 王帅国  今年年初,发生在广东东莞的知名汽车经销商广东永奥“暴雷”事件,成为当前汽车经销商群体艰难生存状况的写照。汽车经销商,作为汽车流通领域重要的参与者,正在经受着来自汽车行业转型阵痛的考验,同时也在艰难寻找新的“活法”。  “2023年,...

crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimesteam| Pig futures prices fluctuated and corrected, and Luoniushan sales revenue increased significantly month-on-month

快讯摘要 近日crashbandicoot4it'sabouttimesteam,生猪期货价格持续下跌,市场分析认为主要受终端消费需求不佳影响。数据显示,自繁自养生猪养殖利润4月12日当周为亏损28.47元/头,外购仔猪养殖利润则为盈利12...

shinobiarcade| Dajia Property and Casualty Insurance received two consecutive fines in one week. Last year, it lost 345 million yuan in net profit, and its comprehensive risk rating rose to BB.

April 7thShinobiarcadeAccording to the "Lujin fine (2024) No. 12", a public form of administrative penalty information published by the...



pokersportnet| The London Metal Exchange bans delivery of Russian metals produced from April 13

  在美国和英国实施制裁后pokersportnet,伦敦金属交易所(LME)宣布禁止新的俄罗斯金属交割,但为大量旧的库存冲击市场敞开了大门,进而提高了定价错位的风险。  4月13日起生产的俄罗斯金属将不再有资格在LME交割。而当日之前生产的俄罗斯金属仍可接受,只要交...
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