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baccarat540extrait| GAC Group: Promote solid-state battery technology in 2026, launch L3 smart driving in 2024, with an overseas sales target of 30,000 units

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GAC GROUP will launch solid-state battery and map-less smart driving technology in 2026.Baccarat540extraitTo cooperate with Didi to expand the travel market In 2024, the first year of L3 smart car, overseas sales target of 30,000 vehicles, showing the advantages of the transformation of traditional car companies.

Text of news flash

[GAC GROUP (601238) released solid-state battery and map-less smart driving technology in 2026]

GAC GROUP Technology Day, held on April 12, announced that solid-state battery technology and map-free smart driving technology will be mass-produced in 2026, which are expected to be used in the products of its subsidiary GAC Ean.

[the first year of L3 smart driving in 2024, the market prospect is promising] Gu Huinan, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Ean, said that 2024 will be the first year of L3 smart driving, followed by an outbreak of high-level self-driving. L3 smart driving has practical value and helps to improve driving safety.

[GAC EAN cooperates with Didi to focus on the travel market] GAC EA and Didi jointly launched an autopilot company aimed at opening up the travel market. Gu Huinan believes that self-driving taxis can operate regardless of time and place, and have significant advantages. Pilot projects will be carried out initially in areas with good road conditions.

[cross-border competition is not a problem, traditional car companies have the advantage of transformation.] Gu Huinan believes that cross-border car companies are not omnipotent in the field of smart cockpits. Traditional car companies have the decision-making power in the new ecology and new business of the intelligent cockpit, so they do not have to worry too much about the impact. As a successful case of the transformation of state-owned enterprises, GAC Ean is developing steadily.

[strengthen the international layout, with an overseas sales target of 30,000 vehicles in 2024] GAC Ean actively expanded overseas markets and went abroad in large quantities for the first time last year. Gu Huinan revealed that the company has set up a Southeast Asian company and plans to establish production bases and sales channels in Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe, South America and Africa, with an overseas sales target of 30,000 vehicles in 2024.

baccarat540extrait| GAC Group: Promote solid-state battery technology in 2026, launch L3 smart driving in 2024, with an overseas sales target of 30,000 units

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