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According to the May 1 report on the Bloomberg News websiteBlockchainenabledgamesAccording to a person familiar with the matterBlockchainenabledgamesThe United States and Saudi Arabia are about to reach a "historic" agreement that will provide security for Saudi Arabia and open up possible ways to establish diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but only if the Israeli government ends the war in the Gaza Strip.

According to reports, sources who spoke on condition of anonymity said negotiations between the United States and Saudi Arabia had accelerated in recent weeks, with many officials optimistic that an agreement could be reached within weeks.

The report believes that such an agreement is likely to reshape the Middle East. In addition to strengthening the security of Israel and Saudi Arabia, it will also strengthen the position of the United States in the region at the expense of the interests of countries such as Iran.

It is reported that once the agreement is reached between the United States and Saudi Arabia, they will ask Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a choice: either join the agreement, which means establishing formal diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, more investment and regional integration. Or be left behind. For Netanyahu, the key conditions are not simple-ending the war in Gaza and agreeing to provide the Palestinians with the road to statehood.

It is reported that this proposal may not be realized, and people familiar with the plan also admit it.


According to the report, getting members of Congress to approve an agreement that promises the United States to protect Saudi Arabia militarily will be a difficult task for the White House, especially if Israel chooses not to join.

For Israel, Netanyahu leads the most right-wing government in the country's history, almost excluding the "two-state solution". His ruling coalition says it still plans to attack the southern Gaza city of Rafah. The United States and Arab countries are concerned that this will lead to a significant increase in the death toll of Palestinian civilians.

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